If you haven't read the homepage yet you need to immediately. Important information for all MF Members!!!
There are some common problems in posting. To make your GM's life easier and for the other players to understand your actions follow these tips.
1. Changing Variable Fighter modes will use up actions.
From Fighter to Gerwalk 1 action. From Fighter to Battroid 2 actions.
2. Any maneuver other than flying straight ahead in combat is an action.
In other words, ' Max follows after the escaping Regult. He turns up his boosters to the maximum to pass the Regult. He spins around so he is now facing the Regult' would count as 2-3 actions for the multiple maneuvers alone. It would not be a free action. Please do this for combat or stunts only. If your leaving the hangar bay or other mundane task don't bother.
3. Remember the mode you are in.
4. Name your targets and weapons used.
'Fires at a pods' could mean anything to the GM. Did you fire at the pod attacking you or the one in the back. Was it your gunpod or missiles. Does fire mean all your bullets or just one? If you leave it vague the GM's may do something that you don't want. Please state, 'fires a long Gu-15 burst at the 3rd Regult.'
5.Describe and list your actions/battle plan in your character's post.
The list is for the ease of the GM. The plan is you describing what you are doing. The plan is more important than the list but both are needed.
6. Know your characters limits.
You are not a super hero. If you jump at 20 foes. Then stand on your hands and kick them all with your feet chances are you will fail. Try too many stunts at once the GM may make you land on your face. As your character becomes more experienced more crazy stunts are possible.
7. Have a general sense of where you are to everyone else.
If your Squadron is in combat. Your CO is in front of you and he is fighting a Glaug that is in front of the CO. Think before you fire. An evil GM could say you shot your CO. Post that you move in closer or carefully aims. Like wise if your in Battroid at the rear and your pal is in fighter at the front. You may have to travel to him or use a weapon with a range better then a short range missile or gun pod.
8. Know your number of actions and use all of them.
If you got 8 why post for only 4? Post remaining 4 to dodge don't waste them.
9. Don't forget to post your Dodges, Leap Dodges or Parries.
The GM can assume your just being macho. if you don't post them the GM won't do them. Even if it is a free action you must post it.